Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The India Classes of Society

Discuss the Caste System in terms of it's justification by the Brhmins, and the impact on the Batis.

The Caste System is a system that divides society into different part. Some are the lower classes and some are the mid-classes, and some are the lower classes. This basically seperates the rich from the poor. The Brahmins, the highest class, consider themselves very fortunate to have this kind of seperation. They say it helps to maintain and keep society under control, because everyone has their job that they have to do. They believe that this is the right thing to do based on their religion, Hinduism. On the other side, Dalits, the lowest class, consider the very unfair. When people are born as a Dalit, they are a Dalit. They cannot move up in class. They are stick doing all the work and the really dirty jobs, and they can't do anything about. They must obey everything that is asked of them  with no debate.