1. Why didn't Brennan answer the question to why the terrorists attack? Did he not know the answer? Or was it really a long topic to discuss?
The way to answer these questions are the ask John Brennan himself.
2. President Obama says that Muslims around the world need to know that al Qaeda is a person of misery and death. John Brennan says he takes an organization of religion and turns it into a violent aggression against innocent people.
3. Thomas was dissatisfied with Brennan's answer because she wanted to know why al Qaeda takes a religion and turns it into a violent act. No she wouldn't be satisfied because Obama's answer didn't answer her question either.
4. Glen Greenwald thinks it is important to answer the question "Why?" about these terrorist attacks because she states "To agknowledge motive is not remotely to imply lagitimacy or justification." I agree with her because if we know why terrorists attack then we can prevent the type of activity.
5. If I was to answer Thomas's question "Why?" I would tell her, "They believe in a God named Allah. They follow what the Muslim bible says and believe that this is right. It is their religion that they follow, and they are commites servents of Allah.
For Mr. Rowley: iKeep Book Marks http://www.ikeepbookmarks.com/browse.asp?account=553553
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